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Elizabeth Forward Warrior Soccer

Elizabeth Forward Warrior Soccer








Game Details

September 16

 East Allegheny *East Allegheny HS6:00 PM 2 0 Goals: R. Hrabosky, A. Smith
Assists: D. Woytsek, R. Hrabosky
Shutout: A. Onofrey
 September 19 Avonworth*Warrior Stadium10:00 AM 60 Goals: R. Hrabosky (3), Valerio, Wotysek, Bowser
Assists: Bowser (3), Smith (2), Snyder
Shutout: Onofrey, Cherepko
 September 21 Steel Valley*Campbell Field6:00 PM10 Goals: Smith
Shutout: Cherepko
 September 22South Allegheny*Glassport Stadium7:00 PM1Goals: Hrabosky (2), Smith (2), Woytsek, Sinay
Assists: Ethan Bowser (2), Tony Kelly
 September 24 South Park*Warrior Stadium7:30 PM2 
 September 26 CharleroiWarrior Stadium6:30 PM 02 
 September 28Steel Valley*Warrior Stadium7:30 PM 40Goals: Hrabosky (2), Smith, Woytsek, Salankiewicz
Assists: Bowser (2), Smith, Salankiewicz
 September 30 Keystone Oaks*Dormont Stadium7:30 PM 42Goals: Woytsek (3), KO Own Goal
Assists: Hrabosky, Bowser, Valerio
 October 5Belle VernonWarrior Stadium7:30 PM PPDPPDPPD
 October 6East Allegheny* Warrior Stadium7:30 PMGoals: Smith, Woytsek, Kelly, Own Goal
Assists: Stefl, Ulm, Smith
Shutout: Onofrey
 October 8 Avonworth*Lenzner Field7:30 PM 12OT
Goal: Smith
Assist: Hrabosky 
 October 10 Keystone Oaks*Warrior Stadium7:30 PM 1OT
Goals: Smith, Woytsek
Assist: Barowich 
 October 12 South Allegheny* Warrior Stadium7:30 PM12 0Goals: Smith, Woytsek, Provins, Kelly, Onofrey: Ulm (2), Hrabosky (2), Bowser, Beedle, Stefl

Assists: Woytsek (2), Smith (2), Valerio, Bowser, Ulm (2), Hrabosky

Shutout: Onofrey/Cherepko
 October 14 South Park*South Park HS7:30 PM 32SECTION CHAMPS!!
Goals: Barowich, Woytsek, Bowser

Assists: Hrabosky, Bowser
 October 20 Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson 7:45 PM 00Shutout: Onofrey and Cherepko
 October 26#12FreedomWarrior Stadium 6:3072Goals: Hrabosky (3), Woytsek, Smith, Salankiewicz, Penascino

Assists: Bowser (2), Valerio, Smith, Hrabosky, Penascino 
 October 29#13 AvonworthWarrior Stadium6:30 20Goals: Smith (2)

Assists: Penascino (2)

Shutout: Onofrey (4 saves)
 November 2#1 Shady Side AcademyShady Side Academy6:30   
* = Section Game
% = Senior Night


Elizabeth Forward Warrior Soccer
1000 Weigles Hill Road 
Elizabeth, Pennsylvania 15037

Email: [email protected]

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